Where have I been the past couple of weeks??? WORKING! This blog does not pay my bills…or even cover a stick of gum. So, I had to head on down to the North American International Autoshow for a week and THEN work the stroll on “The Great White Way” aka New York for another week. More importantly, I had to go out and MAKE SOME MONEY! Pimpin’ aint easy.
What I was NOT doing was hitting these amazing breweries listed. I have, however; been to and thoroughly enjoyed 4 on the list…Russian River, Cigar City, New Belgium and Tired Hands. New Belgium was my favorite. The facility is massive and super cool. The people are fun, laid back and super cool. And the beer is delicious and…you know…super cool.
This picture is actually from Oskar Blues Brewery but they are only about 50 minutes away so I visited both. If you are in the area DO IT!
OK. Enough about me. Lets get to the list. Let me know which ones you have gone to and your thoughts on the brewery AND their beer. I’d love to hear your likes and dislikes. Click on the frame below to get to the good stuff…
