Siren of Stout’s 2nd Official Beer Review with ‘Life is Foggier’ by Monkish Brewing Co

Will the Siren of Stout give each video a number?
My First Official Beer Review With Bourbon County Vanilla!

The Siren of Stout is finally doing her first official beer review! AND with Bourbon County Vanilla! Oh yea…and her husband.
One Minute Beer Buzz Eps 4 – “Top 5 Beer/Food Establishments in Metro Detroit”

Have you been waiting with bated breath for a shiny new edition of “1 Minute Beer Buzz”?
Booze, Holiday Food and Candy Pairing: The Video

Here we go again…more shameless self promotion. Who else is disgusted? This video is the remains from my WDIV “Live In The D” Black Friday segment. I went to the studio on aMonday to film and President Obama bumped me. Headed in the studio. I’m larger than life…in this picture.
The Siren of Stout is “Live in the D”.

The Sire of Stouts first live appearance on WDIV’s “Live In The D’. I talked about Octoberfest, Autumn beers, and the 5 Steps To tasting or evaluating beers.
Tasting Beer With Everything You Have!
If you are a lover of craft beer and you haven’t seen this short video from Sam Calagione, the founder of Dogfish Head Brewery, You are sorely missing out. Because I’m a beer snob..or maybe just a snob, I drink with my five senses every time I have a beer. It never gets old to me […]