I Hate People…Especially Bad Neighbors.

What is wrong with people. This question is totally rhetorical because I know exactly what is wrong with people.  People are disappointing. Period. So what’s the latest drama in my life? For those of you that are just joining in and didn’t get to hear about the awful mean old guy/neighbor who tried to sue […]

Kids…Its Whats For Dinner (Repost)

I had an old blog that I barely kept up, but the stories were priceless…well to me anyway so as I am in the process of closing that blog/chapter in my life, I will repost them so they will live in perpetuity. You are very welcome… So my sister and niece are visiting me this week […]

Blog Troubles

Let’s start at the very beginning.  Blog troubles. The trouble with writing a blog is the constant “interesting, relevant and relatable” content…which is why I’ve never really made an honest attempt…None of those adjectives apply to me or my writing (interesting, relevant, relatable) I’m still listening to TLC on my tape deck…how relevant does that […]